TRU Six Pack, Isolation Edition – Leanne Riley, Harlequins/England

Latest to answer our quickfire Isolation Edition questions is Harlequins’ and England scrum-half Leanne Riley.

Lockdown workout routine?
At the minute I’ve been waking up and doing a bit of mobility, yoga-style stretch to get me up and moving and then my weekly schedule is that Monday, Tuesday and Thurday are heavy training days. So, trying to simulate what we would be doing if we were at the club. That will involve speed, a fitness run, weights, rugby skills, so I kind of do four sessions in those days, which means Wednesday and Friday are a bit chilled. I’ll either have a complete rest days on one of those days or do something like the fitness Fridays, which is what I’m filming. Then doing an extra run on the Saturday and chilling out on the Sunday really, so not much rest at all if I’m honest. If anything I’m training a bit harder than I normally would because the rugby element is out of it. But it’s fun.
Go-to home cooking/homemade meal?
I have been loving my chicken fajitas lately. Nice bit of protein and carbs.
Lounging gear, slouch-wear?
I live in gym wear anyway, so like leggings and a gym vest, be it rugby, in the gym or personal training, I live in them. Add a comfy hoodie on top of that in my home and my slipper socks, that’s what I’ve been living in.
Chill tunes, books, games, netflix?
Netflix is a go to, but knowing how much time I have been spending at home lately, I’ve been trying not to have the telly turned on all the time. I am a reader as well, so I like to read. During lockdown I am now on my second jigsaw.
Take out or beverage you are missing?
I don’t have many takeaways, I am enjoying the odd alcoholic beverage at the weekend. Obviously around training, in moderation. Probably the takeaway I’m missing, it’s probably a curry. I like a good curry on a Saturday night.
Activity you can’t wait to get back to?
Just having a friend to throw and pass a rugby ball to, that is not my boyfriend, in the nicest way possible. Just not being on your own and being able to train with someone else and push each other, because running on your own sucks, especially when you’re trying to get fitter.

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