TRU Six Pack, Isolation Edition – Tom Cruse, Wasps

Latest to answer our quickfire Isolation Edition questions is Wasps’ hooker Tom Cruse.

Home workout routine?
I entered lockdown returning from a calf tear, so at first, it was full of rehab. Luckily it’s healed well so now I can turn my attention more towards training. I’m fortunate enough to have access to a home gym, so I’ve been doing weights and then hitting the streets to get some running in as well.
Home Cooking
We have kept it fairly simple in my house. We have a three-year old to keep happy as well! It’s been lots of stir frys, a few roast dinners in there as well as a chilli or two. Any excuse to have nachos and garlic bread !
Lounge wear
I lounge about in my shorts. Thomas Young and Alex Reider think it’s weird I don’t wear a T-shirt. My house, my rules.
Books, Netflix, chill tunes?
I’ve stumbled across David Goggins who appears to be a pretty impressive bloke and I have listened to a couple of his podcasts. I’ve also started Ozark on Netflix which we’re now hooked on.
Takeaway or beverage you are missing?
Our local Thai has closed which is disappointing, but I’d be lying if I said we haven’t had a takeaway pizza. The best drinks are the ones shared with friends and family, they’re what I’m missing the most too!
Activity you can’t wait to get back to
Can’t wait to get back playing rugby, it’s our job as players, but for the majority, it’s what we love doing.

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