USA Eagle turned inventor

Brian Doyle by all accounts may of expected to be starting for the United States Eagles this summer in the up and coming World Cup but he has sacrificed all that and chosen to head down a totally different road.

When you typically think about International Rugby Players who play in the tight five you don’t commonly associate them with being inventers.

Brain who grew up in Rockland Country New york was playing professionally in Australia when one morning as he was on the ground about to prepare for his last set of grueling core stability exercises, had his eureka moment!

Brian’s idea was to create a device that would create the ultimate amount of  instability to allow the athlete to have the greatest amount of core strength.

A Strong functional core allows Athletes to send power through their hole body in any unstable environment, and this can only be done by replicating that lack of balance, which the Axius (Brians invention) does at 360 degrees of motion.

He has set his sights high for The Axius and has set out for his device to become a game changer in a often saturated industry.

He teamed up with NISMAT (Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic Trauma- a world-renowned research, teaching, and treatment center based out of Lennox Hill Hospital in Manhattan) they performed EMG testing for the Axius Core. To test to see if a correlation existed between the Axius Core Progression Training System and its ability to activate dormant core muscles.

The data confirmed the intense learned activation and recruitment of both the interior and exterior oblique’s, which no other fitness device has done so effectively.

It is clear that Brian has no second thoughts about sacrificing a World Cup birth in pursuit of his new passion. We here at Talking Rugby Union can’t wait to get our hands on one!

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